Source code for rest_easy

# coding: utf-8
Django-rest-easy provides base classes for API views and serializers.

To leverage the QOL features of django-rest-easy, you should use the followint base classes for your serializers:

* :class:`rest_easy.serializers.Serializer`
* :class:`rest_easy.serializers.ModelSerializer`

And if it's model-based, it should use one of the base views provided in the :mod:`rest_easy.views`
module - preferably :class:`rest_easy.views.ModelViewSet` or :class:`rest_easy.views.ReadOnlyModelViewSet`.

As a baseline, all responses using django-rest-easy extension will contain top-level model and schema fields.

Guidelines regarding schemas are as usual: they have to be 100% backwards compatible. In the case of breaking changes,
a serializer with new schema should be created, and the old one slowly faded away - and removed only when no
applications use it - or when it's decided that the feature can't be supported anymore.

An alternative to multi-version fadeout is single-version fadeout, where the change is implemented as a set of
acceptable changes (that is, you can remove the old field only when all clients stop using it - even if it means
sending duplicate data for quite some time).

The classes from this module don't disable any behaviour inherent to Django Rest Framework - anything that is possible
there will be possible with the django-rest-easy base classes.

Django Rest Easy uses following settings:

* REST_EASY_AUTOIMPORT_SERIALIZERS_FROM - for autoimporting serializers.
* REST_EASY_VIEW_BASES - for prepending bases to all views declared in django-rest-easy. They will end up before
  all base views, either DRF's or django-rest-easy's, but after generic mixins in the final generic view mro.
  So in :class:`rest_easy.views.GenericAPIView` and :class:`rest_easy.views.GenericAPIViewSet` they will be at the
  very beginning of the mro, but everything declared in generic mixins, like DRF's CreateMixin, will override that.
* REST_EASY_GENERIC_VIEW_MIXINS - for prepending bases to generic views. They will end up at the beginning of mro
  of all generic views available in django-rest-easy. This can be used to make views add parameters when doing
  perform_update() or perform_create().
* REST_EASY_SERIALIZER_CONFLICT_POLICY - what happens when serializer with same model and schema is redefined. Defaults
  to 'allow', can also be 'raise' - in the former case the new serializer will replace the old one. Allow is used
  to make sure that any import craziness is not creating issues by default.
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.conf import settings

default_app_config = 'rest_easy.ApiConfig'

[docs]class ApiConfig(AppConfig): """ AppConfig autoimporting serializers. It scans all installed applications for modules specified in settings.REST_EASY_AUTOIMPORT_SERIALIZERS_FROM parameter, trying to import them so that all residing serializers using :class:`rest_easy.serializers.SerializerCreator` metaclass will be added to :class:`rest_easy.registers.SerializerRegister`. In the case of a module not being present in app's context, the import is skipped. In the case of a module existing but failing to import, an exception will be raised. """ name = 'rest_easy' label = 'rest_easy' default_paths = ['serializers', 'api.serializers'] @property def paths(self): """ Get import paths - from settings or defaults. """ return getattr(settings, 'REST_EASY_AUTOIMPORT_SERIALIZERS_FROM', self.default_paths)
[docs] def autodiscover(self): """ Auto-discover serializers in installed apps, fail silently when not present, re-raise exception when present and import fails. Borrowed form django.contrib.admin with added nested presence check. """ from importlib import import_module from django.apps import apps from django.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule for app_config in apps.get_app_configs(): app = mod = import_module(app) # Attempt to import the app's serializers. for item in self.paths: try: import_module('{}.{}'.format(app, item)) except (TypeError, ImportError): # Decide whether to bubble up this error. If the app just # doesn't have serializers module, we can ignore the error # attempting to import it, otherwise we want it to bubble up. curr = mod curr_path = app for part in item.split('.'): # pragma: no cover if not module_has_submodule(curr, part): break curr_path += '.' + part curr = import_module(curr_path) else: # pragma: no cover raise
[docs] def ready(self): self.autodiscover()